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The school board’s plan also calls for a dance studio and fitness center to be added later as funds become available. The gym and locker rooms are expected to cost $11.8 million, while the dance studio and fitness center would add another $2.2 million to the price tag. “The gym will have a moveable wall so you can have two things going on at the same time or you can move the wall back to accommodate the entire study body,” school board president Tina Orsi-Hartigan said. “The locker rooms will have new restrooms. The current ones are too small and in disrepair. Also, the locker rooms will have clear sight lines for supervision to help avoid unsuitable behavior.”.
The facilities will be built to accommodate increasing enrollment, In 2011, Fisher had 1,045 students, At the start of this school year, Fisher’s enrollment was 1,143 students, A report prepared in July 2012 projects the school’s enrollment will increase to approximately 1,385 students by 2021, So more classrooms will be needed, too, But the school board took that into account when it decided that the new fitness center and dance studio could be designed now but phased in later, “That will free up classrooms that are now being used for dance and fitness,” Orsi-Hartigan said, “We’re hopeful demi pointe shoes for beginners we can build the dance and fitness studios since it frees up those extra classrooms, We’re trying to be creative with space.”..
An estimated $5.8 million in Measure E funds and developer fees will help fund the project. The rest of the money could possibly come from a capital reserve fund and deferred or restricted maintenance accounts. “The Los Gatos Education Foundation is also discussing a capital campaign to bridge the gap,” Orsi-Hartigan said. She noted that the Fisher gym is one of the district’s most used facilities. “LGS Recreation uses it after school and on weekends,” she said. “We’re very pleased to come to an agreement on going forward, so we can accommodate all the growth we know is coming to Fisher.”.
“What’s 183 and 262?” I asked, He immediately knew what I was demi pointe shoes for beginners doing, and he quickly responded “445.”, “Plus 89,” I added, “That’s 534,” he responded, I went on, and he continued to add things in his head and continued to get the correct answers, It reminded me of this old story about him, Math was always his best subject, So when he brought home a B on his report card, I wasn’t exactly pleased; in fact, I was downright disappointed..
After all, I knew that he was capable of better. Hey, don’t blame me. He’s the one who came home bragging about his little rendezvous with the captain of the dance team (oh, it wasn’t as exciting as it sounds–he was just so good at math that his teacher selected him to tutor some of his classmates … including the beautiful Jessica!). So if he was capable of tutoring others, he was most certainly capable of getting an A, right? But he came home with a B. Of course, his grandmother thought that the B was just fine.
“Oh, you’re just putting too much pressure on him,” she said, “There’s nothing wrong with a B.”, “There is,” I disagreed, “if he’s capable of getting an A, He’s just not working to his full demi pointe shoes for beginners potential, He’s just lazy.”, “Yeah, well, where do you think he gets that?” she asked, “You weren’t exactly Mr, Wizard when you were in high school.”, “Gee, thanks, Mom.”, “I remember when you were a junior in high school,” she added, “I would have been thrilled if you brought home a B in math.”..
“But that was advanced algebra,” I said defensively. “It was really tough.”. “Well, maybe his math class is tough, too,” she said. “And I think you came home with a D.”. I don’t know what it was about her. Every time I tried to complain to her about something the boys had done, she would come to their defense by sharing something from my childhood. “And then there was history … “. “OK, so I got a D in math,” I finally blurted, hoping to cut her off before Kevin heard her. “But just because I did, that doesn’t mean that he has to.”.
Anyway, he was better at math than I ever was … a lot better, He was so good, in fact, that when he was around, I never even needed a calculator, And I’d always try to stump him, “Hey, what’s 89 plus 64?” I’d ask, just picking two numbers out of midair, “Uh, 153,” he’d respond, barely taking a breath, “Plus 96.”, “That’s 249.”, “Plus 323.”, He’d cast a short demi pointe shoes for beginners glance skyward, squint one eye, and, faster than I could tap the digits into the calculator keyboard, he’d answer, “568.”..