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Admission is $8 for club members, $10 for nonmembers. For information or to RSVP, call 925-516-5444. Benefit concert for Blues Festival is planned at El Campanil Theatre. ANTIOCH — El Campanil Theatre will present a Blues Benefit Concert from 7 to 10 p.m. March 1. Held at the historic El Campanil, 602 W. Second St., the concert will raise money for the free annual Delta Blues Festival held each September in downtown Antioch. The benefit concert’s lineup includes Chris Cain, Cashbox Kings, Steve Freund, Kathy Tejcka, and Frankie G. The benefit is sponsored by the Art & Cultural Foundation of Antioch and the El Campanil Theatre. Admission is $40 (gold circle, first three rows), $30 for adults, $28 for seniors 62 and older and $15 for children 17 and younger.
For tickets, call 925-757-9500 or go to www.elcampaniltheatre.com, For information about the Delta Blues Festival, go to www.deltabluesfestival.net, Miniature exhibit set in Antioch, The Antioch Historical Society will host “The World of Miniatures” exhibit during February, The free exhibit will consist of one-inch, half-inch and quarter -inch room boxes and houses, The exhibit hours are 1 to 4 p.m, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1500 W, white satin pointe shoes Fourth St, For anyone interested in displaying miniatures, call 925-754-0135, cammini@aol.com, www.art4antioch.org..
Beatles tribute band set for Feb. 8. ANTIOCH — The Sun Kings, a premiere tribute to the Beatles, comes to the El Campanil, 602 W. Second St., at 8 p.m. Feb. 8. The Sun Kings’ repertoire contains more than 100 Beatles songs spanning The Beatles entire musical career from “She Loves You” to “I am the Walrus” to “Side 2 of Abbey Road.” In celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ arrival in 1964, The Sun Kings will play cover to cover those amazing Beatles album releases of 1964: “With the Beatles,” “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Beatles for Sale.”.
Adult tickets are $27, seniors 62 and older $25, and youth 7 to 17 are free with a paying adult, Tickets are available at the box office, by calling 925-757-9500 or online at www.elcampaniltheatre.com, Aerial duo at the El Campanil white satin pointe shoes Feb, 16, ANTIOCH — El Campanil presents 2 To Fly, an acrobatic and aerial duo of strength, pizazz and entertainment, at 3 p.m, Feb, 16, The Ring Brothers, Max and JoJo, have toured the world and performed with and for many celebrities and organizations, In the performance, you will be treated to acts of aerial acrobatics, partner acrobats, clowning and dance with flair, creativity and humor..
Adult tickets are $20, seniors 62 and older $15, and youth ages 6-17, $10. Seating is reserved. Tickets are available at the box office, by calling 925-757-9500 or online at www.elcampaniltheatre.com. Solo piano concert at Summerset. BRENTWOOD — Summerset Orchards Lodge hosts award- winning pianist Gregory Taboloff with a solo performance 7 p.m. Feb. 11 at 770 Centennial Place. The concert will feature familiar classical works. Taboloff’s debut at Carnegie Hall received rave reviews from The New York Times, and he has performed nationally and internationally for 30 years.
Admission is $10, Tickets can be purchased from 8 a.m, to 4 p.m, at the Lodge, 770 Centennial Place or at the door, Doors open at 6 p.m., with seating at 6:30 p.m, For information, call 925-513-2640, Playmakers to present ‘Shrek the Musical’, The Liberty High School Playmakers will white satin pointe shoes present “Shrek the Musical” Feb, 21, 22, 28 and March 1 and 7 at the Allan E, Jones Performing Arts Center, 850 Second St., Brentwood, There were also be a Shrek’s Swamp Party from noon to 1:30 p.m, March 1 before the 2 p.m, performance, Cost is $7 for all ages for the party..
Cost of the musical is $13.50 general admission, $10.50 for seniors, $8.50 for youths, $5.50 for children. For more information, go to http://libertyunion.scoolwires.net/playmakers. Art4Schools exhibit set at Lynn House Gallery. ANTIOCH — The Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch will host the 10th annual Art4Schools exhibits through May 24 at the Lynn House Gallery. The Art4Schools exhibits showcase Antioch Unified School District classes involved in the Arts4Schools Program, sponsored by the Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch, the city of Antioch and a Keller Canyon Grant funded through the office of Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover. The Lynn House Galley will play host to: John Muir Elementary, Feb. 9 through March 1; Carmen Dragon Elementary, March 5 through 15; ENCORE, March 26 through 29; Belshaw Elementary. April 4 through 19; Antioch, Deer Valley and Dozier Libbey high schools, April 30 through May 10, and Orchard Park K-8, May 13 though 24.
The Gallery is at 809 W, First St, in Antioch and is open 1 to 4 p.m, Wednesdays and Saturdays, during exhibits, There is no admission fee and the exhibits are free, For more information, visit www.Art4Antioch.org or contact Diane Gibson-Gray at the Arts & Cultural Foundation at 925-325-9897 or e-mail Diane@Art4Antioch.org, Auditions will be held for ‘The Music Man’, BRENTWOOD — The Brentwood Theater Company will hold auditions for Broadway Under The Stars’ summer presentation of “The Music Man,” from 1:30 p.m, to 5 p.m, March 15 and 16 at Independence white satin pointe shoes School, 929 Second St..