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Despite his comfort in front of a crowd, Muller, a novelist and former journalist, considers himself a writer first. He’s the author of eight books including “Grindhouse: The Forbidden World of ‘Adults Only’ Cinema” (1996), “Dark City Dames: The Wicked Women of Film Noir” (2001), and “Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star” (2005). But it was his volume “Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir” (1998) that helped Muller build a small empire around his passion for the dark, hard-bitten movies that peaked in Hollywood between 1944 and 1955.
“People who ran repertory cinemas invited me to program festivals based on that book, and that’s what changed everything,” he recalled, “The success of those festivals, first in L.A, at the Egyptian Theatre, and then in San Francisco, is how this whole thing exploded.”, The phenomenon has ballet flats tieks continued for 15 years and the public’s enthusiasm shows no signs of abating, “They love the older movies because they represent the height of American style,” Muller explained, “In terms of the cinematography, the wardrobe, the automobiles, the nightclubs and music — that was America at its zenith, and it has been downhill ever since.”..
Though he’s the founder of the Noir City Foundation, which finds, restores and preserves damaged or forgotten gems, and he’s always on the hunt, one wonders how he manages to unearth fresh noirs each year. “I don’t think we’re going to find another lost ‘Out of the Past’ or ‘Citizen Kane’ out there,” Muller conceded. “But there’s a lot outside this country we haven’t seen. For this year’s festival, I focused on what everyone perceives as the core classic film noir era, which is immediate postwar through the early 1950s, and tried to find as many examples of noir in various parts of the world as I could. We have films from Mexico, Japan, France, Germany, South America, and we even have one directed by a woman that’s Norway’s answer to ‘The Postman Always Rings Twice.'”.
“Eddie is not only an iconic personality, he’s a film scholar and a great writer with a keen eye for rare and unique cinema that he has the skills to chase down,” noted Castro Theatre programmer Keith Arnold, “We’re lucky to witness his wonderful obsession.”, At an age when most people are contemplating retirement, Muller’s dance card is full, Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has offered him a three-year ballet flats tieks contract to join the network’s on-air commentary team; he’s finishing up “Left Hook,” the third novel of a boxing trilogy whose protagonist is based on his late father, a well-known sportswriter for the San Francisco Examiner; he just completed a 220-page tome on “Gun Crazy” that was published in France last month; and a revised, expanded edition of “Dark City,” the book that started it all, is due out later this year..
“It’s like I’m living my own detective story,” Muller reflected. “When I started, it was about shameless self-promotion — look at me, read my book — but that has been upstaged by the fulfillment that comes from discovering something lost or unknown, restoring it and having a way to put it back out to the public in such a grand and exciting way. It’s pretty fantastic. But what has been the most gratifying is the incredible number of people I’ve encountered around the world who share this passion. That’s what keeps me going.”.
A Kenyan drum-and-dance ensemble and the school’s fifth-grade choir will also perform, “Among the numbers the school choir will perform is ‘Hero’ by Mariah Carey,” said music teacher Alison Hart, “I chose this song because I want the students to have the sense that we can all be heroes, that there is always hope, even in the face of discouragement.”, Now in its sixth year, the three-day, two-night science camp at Mission Springs Outdoor Education Center in the Santa Cruz Mountains gives Ruby Bridges’ students — some for the first time — the chance to explore nature and ballet flats tieks the outdoors and discover science in a completely new way..
Faith Network of the East Bay, a collaboration of congregations and organizations founded in 2001, sponsors the science camp as well as other practical help for East Bay children and families. School Principal Jan Goodman said she’s grateful to the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir and Faith Network for creating the opportunity for her students to enjoy science camp before they graduate and move on to middle school. “We couldn’t go to science camp if it weren’t for the efforts of the Faith Network, which has mobilized so many community resources to create the village that is necessary to send students to the camp,” Goodman said.
She said most of her school families simply can’t afford the $280 that it takes to send a student to the camp, In total, the school needs to raise about $18,000 for the trip, “About 70 percent of our families are at poverty level,” Goodman said, “Ten percent of families live on Alameda Point Collaborative, which has one of the highest concentrations of poverty ballet flats tieks in the Bay Area, according to the Brookings Institution.”, Ruby Bridges’ fifth-grade teacher Heather Figueroa chaperones students each year and also sings with the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir..