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Written by Marc Camoletti, the story follows Bernard, who was also the star of Camoletti’s earlier farce “Boeing-Boeing,” as he continues his amorous adventures. It’s 10 years later, and the gregarious bachelor has married, but he still has not mended his philandering ways. In an elaborate web of marital treachery, Bernard invites his mistress over for a romantic weekend when his wife Gabriella will be out of town. He also invites his good friend Robert over so that the neighbors won’t suspect any hanky-panky. To make sure he and his mistress (Suzanne) never have to leave the bedroom, he hires a cook (Suzette) to keep them well nourished. But Bernard’s well-laid plans go awry when Gabriella, who’s having an affair with Robert, decides to stay in town.
A plethora of mistaken identities, door slamming and hilarious physical zappos girls ballet flats comedy ensues culminating in the appearance of Suzette’s well-muscled husband, Director Michael Butler keeps the action fast-paced and takes full advantage of his cast’s wonderful comedic timing and physical dexterity, Liam Vincent, who played Bernard in Center Rep’s 2011 production of “Boeing-Boeing,” returns to reprise the role with Nika Ericson as his hotblooded Italian wife, “Don’t Dress for Dinner” continues through Nov, 23 at Walnut Creek’s Lesher Center for the Arts, Call 925-943-SHOW or go to
The Town of Danville culminates the 100th anniversary of its Village Theatre with a gala celebration on Saturday, Nov. 16. It all begins at 5 p.m. with savory small bites and wines from local restaurants as attendees view timeless photos from the theatre’s history at Town Meeting Hall, located next to the theater at 201 Front Street in Danville. At the same time, the Village Theatre Art Gallery will hold an opening reception for its latest exhibition, Barn Dance, at the theater. A centennial presentation takes placefrom 7 — 9:30 p.m. at the theater wit local leaders tracing highlights from the theater’s long history and local groups, including Role Players Ensemble, performing.
But just “showing support,” wasn’t good enough for the Sophomore Class Council, whose members decided a more personal touch was needed, “We wanted to do something that would touch hearts,” says CHS religion teacher and sophomore class adviser zappos girls ballet flats Lindy Sullivan, The girls came up with a plan that would not only show support for breast cancer “fighters” in their own community, but make sure the patients would know they had some very real friends on their side..
On Halloween afternoon, members of the Sophomore Class Council dropped off scores of handmade cards to the John Muir Breast Cancer Center in Walnut Creek, brightly decorated pink and red notes with personal messages to women — and men — they didn’t know. “I know when my aunt had breast cancer, getting cards from friends and loved ones made her really happy,” said student Hannah Kenneally of Pleasant Hill. Hannah was one of several girls on the council who had been directly affected by breast cancer, which touches one in seven women.
With messages like “Fight on,” zappos girls ballet flats “Stay strong” and “You are loved,” the letters and cards resonated with cancer survivor Joan Lundahl, who was on hand as a representative of cancer patients to accept the handmade cards, “You girls are angels,” she said “These will keep someone’s spirits up at a time in their life when they are feeling very low.”, Lundahl was first diagnosed with breast cancer 21 years ago when she was in her late 30s — and right before her wedding..
“I was worried that I’d have to postpone or even cancel my wedding,” she told the girls, who listened with rapt attention. “It totally shifted my thinking. But I had the support of great doctors, my family and my husband.”. Lundahl’s cancer went into remission, but returned about six years ago, just after she retired from her job as vice principal at Foothill Middle School in Walnut Creek to pursue her passion — western swing dancing. “I knew I had to fight if I wanted to keep dancing,” she said.
Just that morning, Lundahl, a Clayton resident, had received a clean bill of health from her oncologist, and next month will be termed “cancer free.” That’s especially good because she and husband and dance partner Craig Johnson are competing in the United States Western Dance Completion World Championships in Tennessee in December, Lundahl was very positive about her experience at the Breast Cancer zappos girls ballet flats Center, saying she received “first-class care.”, After the cards were delivered, Dr, Deborah Kerlin — a cancer surgeon and medical director of the center — answered the students’ questions about why breast cancer was so prevalent, and what they could do if they had cancer in their families..