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Mars, who was named Billboard’s top artist of the year, said while the crazy weather conditions somewhat frightens him, he’ll pull through. “You know what, it’s awesome. … even if I have to build a chimney onstage, perform around a fire, I’ll do it,” he said. And his peers have his back, including Kelly Rowland, who was part of Beyonce’s Super Bowl performance along with Michelle Williams. “He is going to be great. Trust me. Bruno Mars will find a way to stay warm. He’s so hot,” Rowland said in an interview. “He’s going to be just fine.”.
“Many of the seniors who come to Roosevelt are disconnected from their families, or they live alone, or have family in another country,” said Stella split sole pointe shoes Gutierrez, a gerontology specialist at the center, “This is their Christmas, If it weren’t to happen, it would be missed.”, Wish Book can help to ensure the annual event continues, Each donation of $10 will provide one senior with a Christmas lunch of roast beef with all the trimmings, Roosevelt organizers expected to host about 800 people at this year’s event..
Roosevelt is a city-run community center. Six days a week, the center is a gathering place for seniors to dance, play ping pong or dominoes, eat a hot, nutritious lunch and talk with friends. To be eligible for the senior nutrition program, people must be 60 or older. The seniors are a diverse group, with many speaking English as a second language. The annual lunch was held at the St. James Senior Center on Third Street for many years. In 2009 the city closed that aging facility for budget reasons and moved the senior activities to the newer Roosevelt center at 901 East Santa Clara Street.
But when it was his turn to be honored at the Richmond Police split sole pointe shoes Officers Association Christmas and Retirement dinner Dec, 7, Opdyke, 58, hesitated a bit before leaving his table, His wife, Barbara, stepson and four adult children watched as he approached the dance floor at the Concord Hilton Golden Gate Ballroom, where the association board members waited, As association President Hector Esparza described to the more than 300 officers, retirees, friends and family how Opdyke excelled in fostering community relationships, the veteran officer smiled, occasionally glancing at the floor, Tears welled in his eyes when he received his gold retirement badge..
More than a year earlier, Opdyke lay on a floor in his home, unable to move. He was alone. In 1991, Opdyke was riding in a police paddy wagon with no seat belts, clutching a heavy battering ram. When the vehicle made a sudden stop, he flew forward and hit something inside. He went to the hospital later and found out he ruptured a disc. More than 20 years later, the injury flared up, he said. “I ended up laying on the floor for five hours,” he said. “It took me a long time, an hour or better to find my cellphone. I was crawling on the floor very gingerly because I had this tremendous pain.”.
After months of physical therapy to work out his ruptured disc, Opdyke realized he would not be able to get back into proper shape to serve and reluctantly retired, In October, he penned a lengthy letter announcing his retirement and thanking the community, a message that Councilman Tom Butt shared via his email forum, “Though my heart will always be with the Richmond Police Department and this city, I feel compelled to accept my fate even though I feel that I have so much more to contribute as a Richmond police sergeant,” he wrote, “But there comes a time when you must know when split sole pointe shoes to leave and, as the cliche goes, turn the page to a new chapter of my life, It is time.”..
In 35 years with the department, Opdyke served in nearly every division. In 2008, Chief Chris Magnus promoted Opdyke to sergeant, where he was placed in charge of Beat 1, which covered the Santa Fe, Marina Bay, Point Richmond and Brickyard Cove neighborhoods. “He really understood that your best partners when it comes to fighting crime and getting the job done are the community,” Magnus said. “He really built quality relationships. I hear from people all the time how much they miss him.”.
Opdyke said he communicated with the neighborhood councils and residents via an email forum to inform them of crime trends and attended many public meetings split sole pointe shoes in his time as sergeant, “It really put the community at ease and educated them,” he said, “That community involvement is essential.”, Opdyke grew up in the Santa Fe neighborhood near two Richmond police officers, One officer, Leo Garfield, eventually became police chief and hired Opdyke in 1978, “I knew I had to prove myself,” Opdyke said, “After being hired, I always addressed him as chief, I knew him, … I just kept it strictly professional, and I focused on learning this job.”..